Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Final Solution

The Satanists who run the world are still up to their tricks. They have deceived the entire world. They continue their campaign of death. They continue to make the lives of the ruled miserable. 

They trick the people in this world to think that they can vote for a righteous ruler. A ruler who works for them and is in office, because they care about them. 

They could not be farther away from the truth.

It is remarkable how they manage to use the fear that they create to control the world's population. The level of fear is on a level that none of us on earth have ever seen before. 

You try to wake people up to what is going on, but they are blindly following the people they see on tv, the internet, and hear on the radio. The world is under spell up to this point.

For those of us who are not under their spell, Thanks be to the Highest, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is within. We try to wake people up, but we find that the spell of fear is so strong, that it is indeed a stronghold. It is a spiritual one. Unfortunately, MOST of the people are not able to break that spell and seek the HIGHEST for counsel and to have their eyes open to the wiles of the wicked that is dressed in the finest wool that money can buy.

They have managed to tell people that there is an unknown virus that is out to kill them. They want people to stay home in fear as they mass distribute their "final solution" for God's creation. The sad reality is that sin abounds on Earth. Consequently, destruction is but moments away.

They told the people to close their businesses and stay home. On the other hand, the agencies that the governments' control are on a hiring binge (police, military, bid pharmacies, mega-corporations, etc).

 The Satanists control almost everything on Earth at this point. They have programmed the people through it all. They control the music business, the education business, the economy....everything.

  They use their control of those various channels to drive fear (mind control) into people. As they continue to erect their technological fence. They censor anything or anyone who comes with opposing views.    They have programmed the people to think that if you use critical thinking, you are a conspiracy theorist.

They have special algorithms that scour the internet. The algorithms can leave comments and even snippets on video and pictures to the articles they control.

We are indeed living in the last days.

Some countries and households are running out of food. The government told the people to not work and stay home. This is severely impacting the food chain. 

May The Creator Help us. He is in control of everything. Hold strong my friend. Let us endure until the end. 

Resist the final solution of the Devil. Resist.


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